Block No-8,School Road, Mogappair West Call : 044 26530891, +91 9940 6542 36
It is difficult for parents to choose the best school to educate their children. Now you have Mar Gregorios Public School (CBSE affiliation NO: 1931550) at your help. The school provides good formation for the integral development of the children. We follow the CBSE curriculum to instil knowledge under the guidance of efficient and dynamic teachers. We ensure the perfect ambience to inspire our students to move from the known to the unknown.
Mar Gregorios Public School is a Malankara Catholic Institute managed by the Eparchy of St Ephrem Khadki-Pune with branches in other states. Our footprint in this great temple of learning has been since 1935 and this traditional service to society through education will be continued in the extended years also. This institution will serve under the control, care, guidance, and direction of our Bishop His Excellency Dr. Mathews Mar Pachomios (Eparchy of St. Ephrem, Khadki, Pune) and governed by Malankara Syrian Catholic Trust, Chennai. Inspired by the conviction that learning is a way of seeking God, we inculcate in our teaching moral values and we show the path to serve God. Our Motto says "Serve God through Humanity, Knowledge is power". We strive hard to make our school attain the status with potential for excellence. Our students will be morally sound, highly intellectual, physically well-balanced, and noble citizens of India.